Live Consortium Meeting of Partners in Zagreb

Year and a half of the LIFE for Mauremys project

A year and a half since the project began, from March 20th to 22nd, 2024 we held the third consortium meeting of all partners. The gathering unfolded across two venues: initially at the Zoo and concluding at Hrvatske vode.

Since the last major consortium meeting, five months have passed during which some activities have been completed, some are in full swing, and some are in the planning phase. All project partners have prepared project reports for the period from the project beginning in October 2022 until the end of February 2024. In this meeting, we reviewed them by work packages (WPs) and discussed plans for the next period.

Within WP1, we discussed the need to obtain additional permits for planned activities of cleaning aquatic vegetation in ponds located within the protected areas of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County. We identified possible risks and determined measures to eliminate those that may hinder us in achieving the set goals.

 As part of WP2:

  • we have held all workshops scheduled for the previous period;
  • we have published the first version of the Guidelines for the Restoration of Mediterranean Ponds and Canals - by the end of the project, we will supplement the Guidelines with new insights and experience gained during the restoration on this project and collaboration with domestic and international experts;
  • all preparatory work is done for the beginning of the Ston pond restoration;
  • we have cleaned the canals near the Grga Buška pond and near the OPG Kod Joze in Ston;
  • additional cleanings of ponds and canals in the project area are planned;
  • the passage under the road between two Majkovi ponds is built ensuring easier movement for Balkan Terrapins;
  • we are considering the sustainability and continuation of cleaning activities even after the completion of this project - once we determine the most effective frequency of ponds and canals cleaning activities, we will include it as a proposal in the Restoration Guidelines and in plans for species and Natura 2000 areas management;
  • we have agreed on installation of sunbathing platforms made of natural materials - logs that will be fixed to the bottom of the ponds;

WP3 package deals with the assisted breeding of Balkan Terrapins to restore their population in Ston. The construction works on the new habitat in Zoo Zagreb will soon be completed. There we plan to place the Balkan terrapin founders that will be gathered in project areas from May 13th to 17th, 2024. After that, we will monitor mating, egg laying, and incubation. After necessary health checks, the founders will be returned, and hatchlings released into a new refugium pond in Ston.

WP4 addresses threats through various measures:

  • Guidelines for sustainable, "turtle-friendly" agriculture are in the works, and we plan to publish them in winter 2024;
  • we have developed a plan for setting up repellents to deter wild boars - they need to be renewed 1-2 times a month from May to September to ensure that Balkan Terrapin nests are safe;
  • this year we continue soil sampling started in 2023 and send the samples for analysis of physicochemical parameters and pesticide presence;
  • we are carrying out all activities in collaboration with landowners with whom we will agree on the necessary agro-technical measures and help them find and apply for suitable government measures;
  • we continue to remove invasive alien species from Balkan Terrapin habitats with the help of citizens and sunbathing platforms for red-eared sliders;
  • removal of Paspalum that overgrows and "chokes" the pond by covering it with black foil is being tested.
  • Gambusia fish have been removed from the Majkovi pond near the church, and electrofishing may be used to remove them from the pond near the DVD;
  • the potentially problematic invasive alien trout needs to be investigated and included in the plan if it is found in the project area;
  • preliminary results of testing "turtle-friendly" modifications of fyke nets have shown that it is impossible to reduce the bycatch of freshwater turtles with new nets to 0%, but the elimination of bycatch of reproductive females and some males is likely, while juvenile turtles can be avoided by selecting micro-locations for setting up the nets;
  • the process of patenting fyke net designs has been initiated, with the more likely possibility of application to crayfish nets and research nets, while the conclusion from the sustainable fishing workshop in Opuzen is that fishing nets are not a priority target for the modification.

We will monitor the impact of all these activities on the target species and their habitats within the WP5 package. We made plans on how and where to document the "zero" state at locations where restoration activities and removal of other threats are planned, and as part of this activity, we will set up camera traps and other devices to monitor the target species and its habitat.

To inform and engage the public and local community of Dubrovnik-Neretva County about the Balkan Terrapin, we're planning the educative and promotional program centered around the second Mauremys Day in Zagreb Zoo and Mediterranean Wetland week in Dubrovnik-Neretva County. Picture book about Balkan Terrapins Mara and Maroje is near completion, animated movie will be made in collaboration with the School of animated film, we’ll make a documentary movie, traveling exhibition will visit schools in Dubrovnik-Neretva County and educational and interpretative panels will be installed in the project areas.

The activities and results of the LIFE for Mauremys project will continue even after its completion, which we will ensure through activities in the WP7 package. We have already established contact with colleagues from Montenegro, and we are looking for interested future partners in Greece and Cyprus. We have also discussed the possibilities of a new LIFE project in Balkan Terrapin habitats in Croatia to continue improving the unfavorable conservation status of the Balkan Terrapin, it's habitats and other aquatic species dependent on them.

On the last day of the consortium meeting at Hrvatske vode, project advisor Nikica Skroza joined us. Partners presented their reports and results of work packages, and project coordinator Dragica Šalamon presented the consolidated financial report. We took the opportunity to resolve any doubts, requested and received advice for further successful implementation of all project activities. We conclude that so far, we are proceeding according to plan and without major issues.

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